Help us meet our GivingTuesday Goals

All donations matched dollar-for-dollar up to $180






There’s never been a more important time to support our local and international Jewish community.

A war against terror in Israel. Rising global antisemitism. Growing needs in our local community. Your support for our local and international Jewish community has never been more critical, and a donation to Federation’s 2024 Annual Campaign is the single best way to help.

GIVINGTUESDAY the international day of giving, is the perfect time to support our 2024 Annual Campaign so that we can continue responding to urgent needs in our local and global community. Help us build a bright Jewish future for everyone.

Dollar-for-dollar match!

Thanks to the Marjorie and Maxwell Jospey Support Foundation, all donations made online will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $180, now through midnight, November 28. Your generous support will have double the impact in our local and international Jewish community.