Israel Emergency Campaign Update. Detroit Stands with Israel.

More than 10 months have passed since October 7, the most devastating and tragic date in Israel’s 75-year history. Since then, Jewish communities worldwide have responded with a historic outpouring of solidarity and support. As always, when needs arise in the Jewish world, our Detroit community has also answered with outsized generosity and commitment. Throughout the ongoing conflict in Israel, your unwavering support and incredible generosity have been a lifeline for so many individuals and communities. 

Here’s an update on the Detroit and national Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) Israel Emergency campaigns, and a snapshot of how these resources are being used. 

Amount raised locally by the Jewish Federation of Detroit’s Israel Emergency Campaign from 3,668 donors
Total amount of Israel Emergency Fund dollars raised by JFNA.
Amount already allocated by JFNA in Israel through 520 partner organizations and NGOs. The impact of this support has touched every facet of Israeli society with a particular focus on the Gaza border region and the North. 
Amount already allocated by the Detroit campaign through designated giving, JFNA and distributions made by our IEC Committee.  

What We’re Funding. 

Our Israel and Emergency Allocations Committee is working to evaluate all requests we receive in coordination with national efforts, to fulfill immediate and long-term needs. Many of our allocations have been focused on, but not limited to, communities in the Central Galilee, our partnership region where we have been working with people on the ground for nearly 30 years.  

Here are the five main areas where we have focused our efforts: 

to the JFNA Combined Federations Emergency Fund  

The impact of this historic effort has touched every facet of Israeli society with a particular focus on the Gaza border region and the North. Priority areas include lifeline services, medical and trauma relief, economic relief and recovery and community resilience and rebuilding. Our longstanding partnerships with The Jewish Agency for Israel and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) were instrumental in coordinating an effective emergency response, and they received the largest allocations among 520 supported NGOs.  

for Direct Support of Victims of Terror  

Addressing the urgent needs of evacuees and traumatized victims. This includes evacuee centers, trauma intervention programs, support for hostage families and the survivors from kibbutz Be’eri. 

for Hospitals and Rehabilitation  

This includes funding for a completely new rehabilitation center at the Sheba Medical Center Tal Hashomer with the primary goal of providing comprehensive care and rehabilitation services to people injured in the current war. 

for Support of IDF Soldiers  

Supporting the men and women on the frontlines of Israel’s defense against terror. Includes the purchase and delivery of protective eyewear, boots, sleeping bags and other supplies. 

for our Partnership2Gether Municipalities

Funds to care for displaced families, to renovate and reinforce safe houses and to help prepare the region for escalation in the North are among the ways we have helped our Partnership2Gether family.

We have also nearly doubled the number of Israeli kids brought over as part of our Elaine and Michael Serling Israeli Camper Program to include evacuees from the North and South for a much needed respite. We are grateful to our partner agency, Tamarack Camps, for making space for the extra kids and staff and for being so accommodating in altering activities that might evoke anxiety for kids coming from a country immersed in war.

You can learn more about both the Detroit and Jewish Federations of North America emergency allocations here.  

Snapshot of our Collective Impact. 

Our extraordinary fundraising success reflects the collective efforts of all 146 Federations and hundreds of Network Communities. 

Israel will Continue to Need our Support Tomorrow and for Years to Come. 

We are immensely grateful to all who contributed to this effort. Together, we will continue to do everything in our power to support and sustain the people of Israel during this dark and difficult time. Together we will help ensure a bright, secure future for Israel and for Jewish people everywhere.  

If you haven’t contributed already, please consider giving to our Detroit Stands With Israel  Emergency Campain. 100% of every donation goes directly to help those in Israel affected by this horrible violence.  

May the memories of all the Israeli lives lost be for a blessing.  

Am Yisrael Chai. 

Gary Torgow
President, Jewish Federation of Detroit
Co-Chair, Israel Emergency Campaign

Michael Berger
President, United Jewish Foundation of Detroit
Co-Chair, Israel Emergency Campaign

Steven Ingber
CEO, Jewish Federation of Detroit



